
Muesli: A Nutritious and Delicious Breakfast

Muesli is a popular and nutritious breakfast option made from a mix of grains, seeds, nuts, and sometimes dried fruit. It’s commonly enjoyed with milk, yogurt, or quark, and can be topped with fresh fruit for added flavor and nutrition. Packed with fiber, protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates, muesli is a great way to start your day on a healthy note.

At NutSupply, we offer a wide range of mueslis made from high-quality ingredients, with no added sugars. From classic muesli blends featuring oat flakes, wheat flakes, barley flakes, raisins, and hazelnuts, to specialized options like gluten-free muesli made from rice and corn flakes, buckwheat flakes, quinoa flakes, and sunflower seeds, we have something to suit every preference. For those looking for organic options, we also offer muesli made from organic grains and seeds, free from artificial additives and pesticides.

Whether you’re looking for a wholesome breakfast or a tasty, healthy snack, NutSupply has the perfect muesli for you. Explore our range of mueslis and other breakfast products like granola, oatmeal, and breakfast cereals. Choose from various sizes and packaging options, and start your day with a delicious and nutritious meal!

4 prodotti

  • Granola


    Granola Mix di granola fatta in casa di vari cereali, noci, semi e semi . Arrosto in forno senza olio aggiunto.   Periodo di validità 6 mesi   ingredienti fiocchi d'avena integrali, miele, olio di semi di girasole, semi di girasole, mandorle, nocciole, noci pecan, pistacchi, noci e semi di zucca   allergeni contiene glutine e può contenere tracce di noci e arachidi   Valore nutrizionale Energia kJ 1860 kJ / 100 g Energia kcal 445 kcal / 100 g grassi 16 g / 100 g Di cui acidi grassi saturi 2 g / 100 g carboidrati 58 g / 100 g Di cui zuccheri 15 g / 100 g proteine 13 g / 100 g sale 0,02 g / 100 g  

    7,95 €

  • Muesli crunchy organic

    Muesli croccante biologico

    Muesli croccante biologico Questo muesli croccante biologico ha un bel sapore dolce e un delizioso morso croccante.   ingredienti Fiocchi di avena *, zucchero di canna *, fiocchi di grano *, olio di semi di girasole *, uva passa *, sciroppo di glucosio *, cocco (essiccato) *, semi di girasole *, miele *, farina di mandorle *, sale *, sciroppo di caramello *, aroma naturale di vaniglia *, antiossidante (E306 ) (* da agricoltura biologica)   Valore nutrizionale Energia kJ 1672 kJ / 100 g Energia kcal 397 kcal / 100 g grassi 8,8 g / 100 g Di cui acidi grassi saturi 1,8 g / 100 g carboidrati 68,2 g / 100 g Di cui zuccheri 26,8 g / 100 g Proteina 8,9 g / 100 g sale 0,01 g / 100 g  

    4,95 €

  • Muesli with nuts Muesli with nuts

    Muesli con noci

    Muesli con noci   ingredienti Uvetta, fiocchi d'orzo, fiocchi d'avena, fiocchi di grano, albicocche, mela, mandorle, datteri, noci, ribes, anacardi, semi di girasole, semi di zucca, farina di riso, conservante (E220) (solfito).   Paese d'origine Parecchi   Valore nutrizionale Energia kJ 1560 kJ / 100 g Energia kcal 371 kcal / 100 g grassi 9,7 g / 100 g Di cui acidi grassi saturi 3,3 g / 100 g carboidrati 57,7 g / 100 g Di cui zuccheri 25,3 g / 100 g Proteina 9,3 g / 100 g sale 0,041 g / 100 g  

    5,95 €

  • Muesli Superfoods Muesli Superfoods

    5,95 €

Buy Muesli | Online Shop | Wide Selection & Top Quality

Muesli is a popular breakfast product that consists of a mixture of grains, seeds, nuts, and sometimes dried fruit. It is often eaten with milk, yogurt, or quark, and some people also add fresh fruit to it. Muesli is not only tasty but also very nutritious. It can be a good source of fiber, protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates, depending on the ingredients used in the mixture.

At NutSupply, we have a wide selection of mueslis made from high-quality ingredients and without added sugars. Our mueslis are available in various flavors and compositions, so there is something for everyone. For example, we have the classic muesli, made from oat flakes, wheat flakes, barley flakes, raisins, and hazelnuts. This muesli is rich in fiber and low in fat.

In addition, we also have mueslis that are specifically formulated for people with certain dietary needs. For example, we have a gluten-free muesli made from rice and corn flakes, buckwheat flakes, quinoa flakes, and sunflower seeds. This muesli is ideal for people with gluten allergies or celiac disease. We also have an organic muesli made from organic grains and seeds. This muesli is free of artificial additives and pesticides.

In addition to muesli, we at NutSupply also have a wide selection of other breakfast products such as granola, oatmeal, and breakfast cereals. Our products are available in various sizes and packaging, so you can choose how much you want to buy. Whether you are looking for a healthy breakfast product or just something delicious to eat, you can find it all at NutSupply. Order today and enjoy a delicious breakfast!


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